Real Estate Sales LLC Feedback from Student Chad
Real Estate Sales LLC is a transparent and legitimate business and for that reason we’ve decided to post video interviews and reviews from real students of our Real Estate Investing Program.
Today, our Coach (Real Estate Investor) Nick, is getting feedback from our student Chad about the Real Estate Sales LLC about mentoring program.
Coach is also trying to get the student’s vision and goals for the next 1, 5 or 10 years so he can set the student’s direction in his career of real estate investor.
Please check the video below to see what exactly has Chad to say.
Update: Chad is already making money With the Real Estate Sales LLC’s Real Estate Investing Coaching Program
Real Estate Sales LLC feedback & Review by Student Chad (video transcript)
Coach Nick: Hey Chad. When you started with Real Estate Sales, you got an expectation. Do you feel that we filled up your expectation?
Chad: Yes. I actually believe that you’ve exceeded the expectation! To be honest I didn’t know what to expect when I started this real estate sales mentoring program, because it was just a complete unknown…I didn’t know if it’s real …but after time progressed, you’ve exceeded my expectation.
Coach Nick: How important are the (motivated seller) leads to your success?
Chad: Paramount! I mean really the 2 most important things on this on your program are the leads, as well as the coaching! The continuous coaching, the access to the coaches and just the information you get to know at a drop of a hat. When a question arises or a situation arises, you are able to access your coach and talk to him. But the (motivated sellers) leads, i mean the whole thing wouldn’t work without the quality leads you provide as well.
Coach Nick: Do you believe that the success and the speed of your success would happen without a mentor sitting there with you?
Chad: Absolutely not. I mean there is a ton of information out there, Youtube videos, podcasts, but there is so much of it. It’s hard to disseminate what to use and what not to use, it’s overwhelming.
But when you got somebody that you can contact and ask very specific questions a certain situation, something that they’re actually doing … I think the important thing is that you guys are doing exactly I am doing, and that’s the key right there, you’re not just talking with somebody who just closed a couple of deals and then trying to sell a book about the program or something.
You guys are actually Real Estate Investors, you are actually in it and that is the main thing that attracted me into your real estate sales llc coaching program.
It was not just you offer real estate leads, but you offer real estate coaching for one year and I think that that long term commitment is what makes your program stand out more than others.
Coach Nick: Do you feel like after you got into program, you’ve been given with all the tools needed in the training? I mean we’ve worked pretty hard on what we’ve given you, but you feel like you’ve gotten everything you need to get there?
Chad: Yes. I believe so. Whenever I first got into this, as I said, there is so much of information out there, but your program is really focused. I don’t want to say it’s simple, because Investing in Real Estate is not simple, but the way you present the information it’s just very focused on what you need to know right there, and then once you learned that step then you go to the next step and you learn that and you go to the next step and so on. I really enjoyed that and I think that helps a lot of people because it’s kind of more knowing when you start something new and you don’t know what to expect and what to do.
Your program was very helpful because it start off with basic stuff like how to do envelopes, how to do the letters and then you guys provide the list how to even integrate it into like a word document..things like that. Even that was helpful to me because even I consider myself a computer geek, but I never ever used Excel.It was like I was learning a new program, but once I got into it your steps were so easy to follow, it’s just a real something.
Coach Nick: You are coming out to some closings soon, you’ve got two or three scheduled?
Chad: Yes, I’ve actually got another one in the making, and hopefully it’ll close Monday or next week or so, but yes, I’ve got three at title right now. It was like I was someone Jason who’s just like I Flipped and Switch and suddenly everything started to happen, the letters started to kick in , people started to call in ..
There’s two properties, the first two properties I got on a contract I was really kind of worried about because I think I bought him, I put him on a contract a little too high because I was just really anxious to get something going on, but I still sold him within two weeks, it was about a week – a week and a half or so. We sold those 2 properties under the same owner.
Yes. After that it started like a snowball effect, i just kept rolling and the leads kept rolling in, I mean when I am on the interview I’m seeing stuff popping up so my phone calls from my letters that I’ll need to answer so I mean it’s giving the business.
Coach Nick: How long do you think it took if you were gonna put a timetable on it, how long do you think it took you to kind of get used to it and get some momentum built ?
Chad: In the beginning I didn’t really know what to expect I was kind of nervous because I thought like a lot of people when you start sending those letters you expect to immediate return and call back, but you know it didn’t happen that way. It takes time from the direct mail to saturate the market and you get people calling in.. I would say it started about the month..
So I didn’t know really what to expect, but after I about one month it just started working out and I started creating habits in the process. When I was sending like 200 letters a month (like 10 or so every day) just to get good process in the mornings or late night before going to bed.. So it took a little while to get that process. It seems pretty easy! Just doing a little thing everyday, it keeps me focused.
Real Estate Sales LLC Coach Nick: So, talk to me about the option to purchase contract. Have you had much opposition for it? What do you think of it?
Chad:I like it! When I first saw it I was really surprised that it is only one page, because I have seen other option tu buy contracts that has like 4 pages and it was kind of intimidating, but I think that a lot of title companies didn’t see that and once they saw that it’s legal and it works, they were fine with it. So I didn’t have any problem with it. I had a title company that called and asked if I had a purchase agreement and I said: “No, I have this option to purchase contract”, and then after they’ve seen the contract thy said “It’s fine”. Yeah! I love the simplicity of it!
Real Estate Coach Nick: Yes! The seller knows where you stand, You know where the seller stand, to me, it just works so well. That’s why we use it all the time.
Real Estate Student Chad: Yes. I think it is so great for the seller stand point because the seller understands it and it is not intimidating to them.
Coach NIck: Have you ever invested in real estate before working with us?
Chad: Not investing. I have a home here I ‘ve bought, the traditional way, going to a mortgage company. You know? When I was in high-school I actually got really interested investing in real estate, I bought the Carleton Sheets Program, but I got that so confusing I couldn’t follow and I just kind of dropped it. I was always interested in real estate but I never made a lot of money because I thought you need a lot of capital to buy an investment property.
I didn’t realize that is so easy to get into you know, if you got the right program and I think yours is the right real estate investing program.
Coach Nick: Do you feel that your coach has been there for you when you needed it ? .. And been able to guide you where you feel like you needed to go ?
Chad: Yes. Absolutelly. He is probably sick of seeing my texts all the time because I am always asking silly questions, but yes. he is always answering me in a timely fashion. He was always there every time I called.
Do you want to get started investing in real estate? wait no more! CHeck out our website at: https://www.realestatesalesllc.com
or contact us (info below):
Real Estate Sales LLC
410 South Rampart, Suite 390, Las Vegas, NV, 89145