Real Estate Sales Blog

Dec 12 How do I find Investors to help grow my Real Estate Business

Making money through real estate works and has been proven time and time again. Many agents are asking themselves: How do I find Investors to help grow my Real Estate Business? Well, investors usually specializes in different areas of real estate, such as residential, multi-family or commercial. Some investors flip houses for profit, while others hold… Read more

Dec 06 How to find motivated sellers in Today’s real estate market (2017 – 2018)

How to find motivated sellers in today’s real estate market? (2017 – 2018) …  Finding motivated sellers can be difficult but they are out there. The most important thing you need in this business is a motivated seller. We make our money on the purchase of the property and not on the sale of the property…. Read more

Nov 29 How to flip a house for new investors

We wrote how to flip a house for new investors because people make money flipping houses every day, but the secrets to success start with really knowing what you’re doing. Finding a good house to flip is much harder now because the market is so strong for bargain-priced homes. Nobody is going to hand you… Read more

Nov 20 House flipping

People always tell me that they have always wanted to flip houses, of course they watch those TV shows and know that they could do it as well. TV is not reality, that doesn’t mean you can’t be successful but it is not as easy as they make it look and you need to be… Read more

Nov 14 How to build a formula for Real Estate Investing

Have you ever wondered How to build a formula for Real Estate Investing? If you are serious in making a career investing in real estate than you better have a plan of action in place. To go at this endeavor on your own would be a terrible mistake and would make it that much more difficult to… Read more

Nov 09 Forming a business entity for Real Estate Investments

Have you ever purchased a piece of property? Are you well aware of how much paper work is and can be involved in the transaction? Sometimes this seems like overkill, but it is actually necessary. The paperwork is in place to protect all parties and to preserve your rights. The paperwork is just part of the… Read more

Nov 07 5 Things Title companies can do for Real Estate Investors

What are title companies and what do they do? A title company makes sure that the title to a property is legitimate and then issues title insurance for that property. Title insurance protects the lender and/or owner against lawsuits or claims against the property that result from disputes over the title. Title companies will usually… Read more

Sep 26 Why Real Estate Investment is better than Stocks

With the real estate market on the rise, everybody is talking about real estate investment versus stocks. Which is a wiser place to invest your money? Real Estate or Stocks? It really comes down to personal preference and your comfort with the movement of the stock market. Your best course of action will be to… Read more

Sep 18 Investing in Yourself Before Investing in Real Estate

Investing in Yourself Before Investing in Real Estate! Why? Keep reading: As an entrepreneur, mindset is everything. Everyone would agree that a successful real estate investor does not think the same way as a typical 9 to 5 employee. There are certain skills which are crucial to have as an owner of your own organisation,… Read more

Sep 11 How to Interview a Real Estate Attorney for Sale and Purchase of Investment Properties

In order to have success when purchasing and selling real estate you will need to have a strong team around you. This team should include but not be limited to a contractor, real estate agent, accountant, wholesalers and of a course a real estate attorney. A real estate attorney can make or break your business,… Read more